Meet The Experts

Dave Michaels is the grateful Founder and Editor of, one of the world’s leading websites for those seeking to strengthen their faith, ignite their hope, and live their life’s purpose.
Pointing the way to the source of all that is good, true, and beautiful gives Dave chill bumps. His passion is helping others get in touch with the many gifts our Creator has freely given to each of us.
Dave is an avid ‘people person’ who thrills at uncovering what makes himself and others tick. He is a trained Called and Gifted Spiritual Gifts workshop facilitator, Spiritual Gifts Interviewer, sales professional, and trained personality profiler. Dave has a Bachelor’s degree and is a certified life coach. None of that is as important however, as the fact that he’s a very attentive listener who is called to be of service in helping others.
Dave supports multiple charitable organizations. He is an Officer in the Knights of Columbus, Member of his Church’s Parish Council, and has served as a Board Member, Officer and President Emeritus of his local Citizens Association since 1996. In his spare time, on the weekend, Dave can be found cranking through local suburban neighborhoods on his trusty ol' reliable 1969 Schwinn 10-speed bike.
Dave firmly believes we can never be fully alive until we embrace the Love God wants so dearly to pour into our heart and hopes all who seek a closer relationship with Our Lord Jesus Christ will take advantage of this vibrant community.

Father Christopher P. Goodwin is a priest of the Diocese of Lincoln, Nebraska. He was born August 28, 1976 and grew up in Kansas and Nebraska. As a seminarian he earned a B.A. in Philosophy from St. Gregory the Great Seminary in Seward, Nebraska and an M.Div. from Mount St. Mary's Seminary in Emmitsburg, Maryland.
He was ordained May 29, 2004. After serving for ten years as a parochial vicar, high school religion teacher, pastor, and school administrator in the Diocese of Lincoln, he was asked to join the staff of the Apostolic Nunciature in Washington, D.C., where he has served since August 2014.
He enjoys sports, learning and discussing the content of the Catholic faith, praying and growing in the spiritual life, and helping others do the same.

I became a member of the Society of the Divine Savior whose founding date was December 8.
Previous to that, I worked in formation. I was also a novice master for my Society.
Previous to that, I did mostly retreat work.
Previous to that, I was in parish work in Alabama and Georgia, and California.
Oh yes, I was also an Army reserve chaplain for about four years.
That's the short story...