To listen to the event, just click the white arrow on the left below...

Fr. Klimek
--Article in the Federalist, "No Other Policies Don't Morally Outweigh the Democrat Party's Support for Murder.":
--Fr. Klimek's book, "Medjugorje and the Supernatural:
Dr. Lisa VanBramer
--Executive Director, Rocky Mountain Research & Prevention Institute:
--Colorado Kids First:
--RMRPI's The Lepanto Project:
--How to be Unapologetically Catholic in the Public Square: View PowerPoint presentation here:
Ali Rak
--Holy Family Respect Life Committee, Southern Maryland Pro-Life:
--President, Charles County Right to Life:
--Reopen Charles County holds second protest in La Plata:

How can you get involved?

Learn about Church teaching:

---Bible: Thou Shalt Not Kill
----Catechism of the Catholic Church on abortion:
----St. Pope John Paul II's Evangelium Vitae (Gospel of Life):
----USCCB: Forming Consciences
----USCCB--Statements on Life (including Pope Benedicgt XVI):
--Learn about legislation in your state
--Explore legislative-advocacy training
--Meet with elected representatives to build relationship
--Call/email your elected officials
--Help pro-life candidates, support their campaigns
--Support Maryland Right to Life:
--Join March for Life 2021 (Jan 29 2021):
--Montgomery County March for Life:
--Join 40DaysforLife in Bethesda:
--Stand vigil and pray at abortion sites for conversions
--Pray the Rosary for the unborn!


Post-Abortion Healing
--Rachel's Vineyard:
--Light of Christ Prayer Ministry: Please email
--Healing After Abortion for men:
--Silent No More:


Crisis Pregnancy Centers in Maryland:
--Shady Grove Pregnancy Center:
--Sanctuaries for Life:
--Gabriel Network:
--Gabriel Project Cluster: