Fr. Patrick Mullan, Parochial Vicar, St. Patrick Catholic Church, Rockville, MD
--Catholic Standard Article: https://cathstan.org/ news/local/future-priest- excited-to-meet-first-parish- and-pastor-after-decades-of- praying-for-them
--Theological College announcement of ordination: https://www. theologicalcollege.org/ archdiocese-of-washington- ordinations/
--Parish Times article on page 29 re Fr. Mullan retreat: http://www. parishtimes.com/uploads/8/3/6/ 6/8366083/march2020.pdf

Jennifer Byrson, Ph.D.
--website: https://www. jenniferbryson.net/
--Founder of Let All Play - https://www.letallplay.org/ about
--Serves on Advisory Board of Canavox: https://canavox.com/

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