
For More Information on The Mother Of God Mission please contact Teri at (301) 990-2081 or email


Click the white arrow on the screen below to watch the video...

The teenage girl in the video below had cerebral palsy.  She has just removed her leg bracers from each leg. Click the white arrow on the screen below to watch what happens next ...

Click the white arrow on the screen below to watch the video...

The healings above are just a few examples of the may more healings Father Greg Bramlage has seen during his Missionaries of the New Evangelization Parish Missions.

For more information about Father Greg Bramlage and the Missionaries of the New Evangelization click HERE  

For more information on how you can invite Father Greg Bramlage and his team for a Parish Mission at your Parish email David Michaels at or

call him at 301 744-8421.

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