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The first item you see below is an audio of the pronunciation of the entities set out in bold type found in the Deliverance Prayer From Freemasonry. Freemasonry is an expression of the demonic realm.  It is Satan worship at its core.  The curses and bondage's that get set as one digresses through the degrees of freemasonry need to be undone in order to free the person from the demonic influence of freemasonry.

The demonic realm is very legalistic. The Deliverance Prayer From Freemasonry itself and the entities set in bold type need to be clearly spoken in order to expose the demonic forces and relieve the person of their malevolent influence.

The Deliverance Prayer From Freemasonry itself can be ministered by a lay person (provided you ensure that the supplicant correctly pronounces each line in the prayer and the entities in bold type).  The final breaking of the power of freemasonry and the subsequent Blessing must be done by a Priest.

Click on the right arrow 'play button' below to hear the clear pronunciation of the entities set in bold type in the Deliverance Prayer From Freemasonry. Follow the prayer in your copy of the manual as you listen to the audio.

The Phonetic Pronunciation of the masonic entities hand out is available by clicking HERE.