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USCCB RELIGIOUS FREEDOM WEEK: The USCCB invites Catholics to pray, reflect, and act to promote religious freedom Religious Freedom Week | USCCB
Walking with Moms in Need: Religious Freedom Week 2022: Pray-Reflect-Act | USCCB
Church vandalism: Religious Freedom Week 2022: Pray-Reflect-Act | USCCB
Adoption & Foster Care - Religious Freedom Week 2022: Pray-Reflect-Act | USCCB
Taxpayer funding of abortion - Religious Freedom Week 2022: Pray-Reflect-Act | USCCB
Religious Freedom in China - Religious Freedom Week 2022: Pray-Reflect-Act | USCCB
Pregnancy Resource Centers - Religious Freedom Week 2022: Pray-Reflect-Act | USCCB
Health Care Workers - Religious Freedom Week 2022: Pray-Reflect-Act | USCCB
Free Speech - Religious Freedom Week 2022: Pray-Reflect-Act | USCCB
USCCB “First Freedom Podcasts” - First Freedom Podcast | USCCB
More Mandates? – Discusses Proposed Regulations: First Freedom Podcast: More Mandates? | USCCB
USCCB response to Dept. of Education Proposed Revision to Title IX to include gender discrimination: U.S. Bishop Chairmen Express Concern with U.S. Department of Education’s Proposed Revisions to the Title IX Regulations | USCCB
Will add link to how to challenge/submit comments to proposed rules
Religious Liberty Essay Contest - Religious Liberty Essay Contest | USCCB
Reports of vandalism:
Attacks on Churches & Pregnancy Centers: Vandalism of Catholic Churches, Pregnancy Centers Continues After Dobbs Decision| National Catholic Register (
St. Jane de Chantal in Bethesda: Bethesda church that was burned and vandalized reopens a week later with blessing rite - Catholic Standard - Multimedia Catholic News (
National Non-Profit Security Program: Letter on Nonprofit Security Funding - January 14, 2022 | USCCB
USCCB Voter Action Guide: Action Center (
Opportunities to LIVE OUT your religious freedom expectations through volunteering:
pray, act, reflect (homily, lectionary notes)
volunteer at local pregnancy resource centers provide counseling and support women who choose life
Share devotional artwork, statues on personal level, Facebook, to show importance of religious statutes
If concerned about education infringement, volunteer there; if concerned on impact on homelessness, volunteer at a homeless shelter